Evolutionary Salvation
Spent the day not-ing: not–writing, not-cleaning, not-rambling, around the house to and fro. Some sits ups here, a few googles there, holistic tea-totaling (and last night’s wine) gave way to coffee drinking self-indulgence, contemplating my navel ( a moderate innie) on how to create a stiff upper lip toward worldly success (or just mere survival). Way of the dinosaur, I hear of today’s catastrophes, a devastatig earthquake in Indonesia, alleged Camp Pendleton Iraqi civilian murders, and the daily routines of my family and friends. An online magazine called Failure (hey, I’m in a mood) mentions the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement’s annihilistic approach to saving the world (an apparent one-upping of the zero-population growth sustainability movement of the 70s). Blindly or courageously, ala the lemmings, and earthquakes, we should go.
I close my eyes. Only a fantasy can save me today.
A mysterious lover appears behind me. (Do I know him? Is he the protective Angel Damiel ? Or a reality from my future?) Chills of promising rapture greet the left side of my neck with the first gentle stroke of his confident fingers’ caress, followed by strong slow kisses tracing my shoulder and over both my arms. He guides his potent body around me, a girder enveloping my frame; holding me securely, sheltering me with care. He is there for me, now and later, unquestioning of who I am to be. He knows my strength is just in wait for him, for me, for the world.
Ahhh, Calgon, do tell those guys who think their cunnilingual offerings of the moment make them king, what a woman really craves. Perhaps then, dear Darwin, conservatives, the religious right and even liberal men will have "come" full philogynous- phylogenical circle to the mysteries of our mutual salvation. Oral desserts, are a well-deserved topping.
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